Brotha Richie enjoys success in New York
Lynwood “Brotha Richie” Richardson came first and second in the two events he was competing at the 13th Annual East Coast Open Karate Championships — his second event — at the Freeport Recreation Centre, on Long Island, New York.
Richardson placed second in the Intermediate Men’s 35+ forms division, and first place beating a Kenpo practitioner, Muse Muriqi, in Intermediate Men’s 35+ sparring, 5-3.
“During the fight, I rolled my ankle twice, wearing untested foot gear, but I fought through it and got the victory in the end,” Richardson said.
Richardson hopes that he can continue to garner the financial support necessary so that he can make the next three tournaments that will be held later this year. The next one being The Nationals, on August 13, again at the Freeport Recreation Centre.
“I would like to wholeheartedly thank everyone that came out of pocket no matter the amount, to sponsor me,” he said. “That to me represents your faith in me and my ability to do my best and represent myself and my island well.
“It is never an easy road, but knowing that people are rooting for you does make a difference. I came into this tournament being inspired by the likes of Nahki Wells, Nikki Bascome, and so many other ‘onions’ that continue to be people of impact in their various disciplines and talents. I just want to be another man that can be an inspiration to those that will come after me, and even those that are in my sphere of influence now.”
The host of, Shihan Allie Alberigo would love to see more Bermudians come up to participate. More information, and applications can be downloaded at or call (516) 785-2725.
For further sponsorship, Richardson can be reached at or (441) 703-4896.