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National Stadium to undergo extensive work

Members of the public will have limited access to the grandstand at the National Sports Centre as it undergoes remediation work.

One million dollars has been allocated to the project which is being overseen by the National Sports Centre’s board of trustees, with the work expected to be completed in August.

The work involves powerwashing, sandblasting, painting, and replacing all parts relating to the integrity of the steel roof truss members and is being carried out by Bermudian firm, Sunrise Construction.

“As a result of the work, some parts of the grandstand will be closed at various times,” said Craig Tyrrell, National Sports Centre operations manager.

“However, we will give the public as much notice as possible regarding the affected areas, which will be cordoned off during the project,”

“This will be quite extensive work and will give the grandstand, which was originally built in 2002, a much needed facelift to ensure it continues to be a fantastic facility for the community.”