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All new national champions will be crowned

Missing out: A host of last year's champions who are all set to miss this year's event (Photographs by Jennings Photography)

A new national champion will be crowned in each of the categories during the Bermuda Body Building and Fitness Federation’s 32nd Annual Night of Champions at City Hall tonight.

None of last year’s winners have returned to defend their title among the six categories at this year’s event taking place inside of the Earl Cameron Theatre.

“All of the categories will have new champions,” Mark Simons, the BBFF president, confirmed.

“None of the defending champions are competing.

“We have 16 or 18 competitors so the show this year is quite small. We don’t have a lot of competitors for whatever reasons I can’t tell you why.”

This year will see male and female athletes compete for bragging rights among the Women’s Figure, Bikini, Women’s Physique, Body Building, Men’s Classic Physique and Men’s Physique categories.

In addition to bragging rights, there is an added incentive for the competitors on stage as the BBFF will be on the look out for candidates to represent them at next month’s Las Vegas Amateur Olympia.

“Depending on the quality, which obviously we wouldn’t know until we see the athletes, we are hoping to take a very small team to the Olympiad Amateur in Las Vegas in September,” Simons said. “It will be a very small team, we are talking three to five at the very most.”

Simons said even the competitors who do not win their respective category will be considered for selection.

“It might not be the winners as it’s just based on the quality of the athletes,” he added.

“Just because you win your category doesn’t mean you automatically get picked.”

The prestigious Las Vegas Amateur Olympia forms part of Joe Weider’s Fitness and Performance Weekend in Las Vegas and is open to athletes from around the world.

Tonight’s 32nd Annual Night of Champions at City Hall begins at 7pm.

“We don’t have the same amount of competitors as we historically do,” Simons said. “But the quality of the show will be fine. We are hoping to have another good show and we urge the public to come out and enjoy.”