Board approves stables, shed
The latest Planning minutes:Lot 7 Ferrars Close, Pembroke1. BRINCADEIRA TRUST,Proposed New Four (4) Dwelling Unit (Revision to Approved Three (3) Dwelling Unit).P0282/12 Type: Final Decision: ApprovePlanner: Victoria CaroloDiscussion: The technical officer presented the application details to the Board. The Board queried aspects of the building height as it relates to the ability to support habitable space in the loft area. The technical officer confirmed the design of the structure had been discussed with the Building Control Officer who confirmed that the loft space was in compliance with the Bermuda Residential Building Code (BRBC); in respect of the amount of floor space that would achieve the required minimum floor to ceiling height.The Board also queried details of the cess pit and whether it had been sufficiently designed to service the development. The technical officer indicated that the location and size of the cess pit had been discussed with the Health Officer who confirmed that the design was adequate for the form and size of development proposed. It was further queried by the Board if a security barrier would be required above the stepped rock cuts along the western boundary to which the technical officer confirmed that it would be required as per regulations under the BRBC. In regards to trash collection, the Board queried if trash collection vehicles could access the site.The technical officer confirmed that the trash collection vehicles currently access Ferrars Lane which meets the application site in the southwest corner. In respect of the parking design serving the development, the Board indicated that notwithstanding the estate road falls within the confines of the site, the arrangement would involve reversing into the estate road. The technical officer confirmed that reversing would occur but given the configuration of the site, adequate sight visibility was available to view oncoming traffic along the roadway and thereby the potential for traffic conflict is not a concern.The Board queried why the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement did not require guest parking spaces. The technical officer indicated the Plan requires additional parking spaces for developments involving five or more dwelling units and confirmed that in the interest of lessening the amount of hard surfacing on a site, parking for developments such as the application proposes, is restricted to the necessary minimum. The Board resolved to approve the application.The Board RESOLVED:To approve the application, as received 9 August, 2012 and revised 28 November 2012, 30 November 2012, 1 July 2013 subject to the following condition(s):1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 2 (two) years from the date of this permission.2. For the avoidance of doubt the consent hereby granted is for planning permission only. Prior to the commencement of building operations a separate application for a building permit must be made and approved.3. In the interest of visual amenity, there shall be no deposition or storage of excavated material on site and all excess unused material shall be removed from the site during the course of building operations and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.4. The communal garbage storage area, as shown on the approved plans, shall be established in accordance with Policy DSN.21, Chapter 8 of the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.5. In order to avoid the discharge of surface water onto the estate road, provision shall be made for the control and disposal of storm water within the curtilage of the application site. Such measures shall be provided prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.6. In the interests of visual amenity, the entire site subject of this application shall be landscaped in accordance with the hereby approved plans prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy. Any trees or shrubs shown on approved plans which are removed, which die or which become seriously diseased or damaged shall be replaced by trees and shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted.7. The private outdoor living space shown on the hereby approved plans shall be established for use in accordance with Policies DSN.16 and DSN.17, Chapter 8, of the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.8. Parking and manoeuvring spaces for 4 cars and 4 cycles shall be established for use in accordance with Policies TPT.20 and TPT.25, Chapter 11 of the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.Lot #6 Stardust Drive, Hamilton2. VASCONCELOS, Mr DalmeroProposed In Principle Application for New Two Dwelling Unit with Stables/Shed (ancillary)P0256/12 Type: In Principle Decision: ApprovePlanner: Victoria CaroloDiscussion: The technical officer presented the application details to the Board. The Board sought clarification on whether the Department of Health should be consulted with respect to the grazing of animals on a property and the related nuisance factors that could impact adjoining residential properties. The technical officer explained the relevant sections and details of the Development and Planning Act 1974 as it relates to the use of grazing on the land. Specifically, the technical officer confirmed that grazing is not classified as “development” as defined under the Act and therefore the only point at which the Department of Health or any other relevant body would be consulted in respect of the keeping of animals on a site is when development is involved such as the stable building which is proposed.The technical officer continued to explain that given the application is seeking in-principle approval only at this stage, finer details associated with the stable structure and the related aspects of the keeping of animals would be reviewed during the assessment of a final DAP1 submission. The Board queried if the proposed access point to the site could adequately accommodate the movement of vehicles and trailers for the transporting of horses to which the technical officer confirmed that the access had been designed with a bell mouth which provided an adequate area for manoeuvring. The Board resolved to approve the application.The Board RESOLVED:To approve the in principle application, as received 17 July, 2012 with additional information received 22 January 2013 subject to the following condition(s):1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of 2 (two) years from the date of this permission, or the expiration of 2 (two) years from the final approval of reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved.2. Notwithstanding the fact that this application seeks in principle approval only, those details relating to use, density, site coverage, siting and layout, building height, building lines, parking provision and access are hereby approved. The Board reserves for its final approval all details, defined as reserved matters, relating to design, external appearance of the building and landscaping.3. For the avoidance of doubt, the stables are for private use only and shall not be used for commercial purposes.4. The driveway treatment for the approved access shall be limited to the design shown on hereby approved plans which shall be shown on plans associated with a final DAP1 application.5. In the interests of preserving the integrity of the Agricultural Reserve zoned land to be used for grazing, there shall be no manipulation and/or alteration to the natural surface.