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Proposed City Hall plaza redesign passes first test

A proposed redesigned plaza at City Hall has been recommended for planning permission.

An application proposing the return of water features to City Hall has been recommended for planning approval.

The proposal, submitted by the Corporation of Hamilton, will include a reflection pool and a koi pond, along with a redesigned driveway area and wheelchair ramp.

Until last year, City Hall had a reflecting pool with fountains, but the Corporation of Hamilton voted to fill it in due to the high cost of maintaining the structure, which experienced frequent leaks. The removal of the water feature was described as a temporary measure as the Corporation considered the future of the area.

According to a planning application, the new design of the area will include two water features, both of which will be smaller than the previous reflection pool.

The first of the two features, a rectangular reflection pool, will be installed just south of the existing driveway. The second, a koi pond, will be installed to the east of the building, near a proposed maintenance shed.

The driveway itself will also be modified, according to the application. While the eastern traffic access to Church Street will remain in the same location, the western access will be moved further north, meeting Dismont Drive at a 90 degree angle just before City Hall itself. The paved driveway will be bordered to the south by a grassed area with several decorative trees.

The existing wheelchair ramp will meanwhile be replaced with a new ramp, which will run along the southern wall of the building from the sidewalk near Dismont Drive to the top of the stairs.

And a donated pedestal clock will be installed near the corner of Dismont Drive and Church Street.

While the application has yet to go before the Planning Board, a planning assessment recommended the application be approved, stating that if fits all required guidelines.

“The proposal will retain the current functionality of the south plaza including vehicular access, which will be permitted when required (for visiting dignitaries and parades),” the document stated.

“Otherwise the south and east plazas will be pedestrianised, additional pedestrian access points will be created along Church Street and a new grass lawn with shade-bringing trees will provide a park for the public.”