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Constituency #23 - Paget West - Rolfe Commissiong

Rolfe Commissiong

Rolfe Commissiong was educated at Mount Saint Agnes Acedemy, The Warwick Secondary School and Baruch College of the City University of New York, where he studied Business Administration and Marketing. He is currently Consultant to the Premier of Bermuda.

His role is one that is designed to serve and advance the Premier's agenda on a host of social issues, some of which includes, the Bermuda Race Relations Initiative, assisting in public policy formation with respect to Bermudian black males and his work on the recently launched "Mirrors" programme, which is designed to address the challenges confronting at risk youth in our community. Mr. Commissiong is also a keen supporter of economic empowerment initiatives directed toward those who have traditionally been excluded from full participation in the economy.

Rolfe is also founder and President of Black Star Communications Ltd, a multi faceted communication's company that specializes in public relations, advertising and tele-communication products and sales. He is also a former reporter and advertising executive for the Bermuda Times Newspaper and continues to contribute to both the Royal Gazette and Bermuda Sun as an independent columnist.

Rolfe is dedicated to the PLP and ran as a candidate in the Paget East by-election in 1993. He was also member of the Central Committee from 1994-1998.

The need for dedicated facilities and drug rehabilitation programs to address the ills of drug addiction in our community lies at the center of Rofle's candidacy. As a Member of Parliament, he would also seek to address the need for better and more effective policing to ensure that communities remain safe, and that those who are existing at the margins of our society are better equipped to be able to take their place in the country. He also firmly believes that education is vital to ensuring Bermuda's sustained success in the global, 21st century environment.

Rolfe Commissiong has served on the Treatment of Offenders Board, the Development Applications Board and the Broadcasting Commission. He is also a former member of the Human Rights Commission and served as founder and Chairman of The Grass Roots Alliance, a non governmental organisation.

His tireless advocacy and activism for social justice on behalf of the disadvantaged and the voiceless in our society over the last two decades is well known.

Rolfe is the proud father of Sacha and Joshua Commissiong and is engaged to be married to Ms. Roxanne Foggo.