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Address the real issuesNovember 7, 2007Dear Sir,

Address the real issues

November 7, 2007

Dear Sir,

Having read the recent rantings from Eva Hodgson, Calvin Smith, Phil Perinchief and Ewart Brown, my suggestion is that instead of stirring the racial pot and creating "unnecessary enemies", the PLP would be better served to address the basic issues that immediately face Bermuda.

As the recent graduation figures attest, the educational system in Bermuda needs a total revamp to ensure that those students currently in the system are ready to take the next step in the educational process so they can compete for those "desired jobs" based on performance and not on gifting.

If you think international business is going to give jobs to Bermudians who are unqualified based on their education, you need to give your collective heads a shake. It just wouldn't happen. Where is the plan for providing the needed educational impetus to succeed?

Whether the Government wants to admit it or not, the key to long term success is not forcing workplace equity but a real education platform so that the young black Bermudians can compete in the world workforce. Education should be at the top of the agenda but not far behind is law enforcement. What about crime? Increased levels in all areas including unsolved murders, growing gang activity, and tourist hassling but not a word about a plan to deter it. What's the plan?

So instead of making more "unnecessary enemies" but making senseless statements as "morally bankrupt", "Mr. Racist", "*****e", or "racist dog", try addressing the real issues and really make some process for the folks that call Bermuda home.


Flatts Village

P.s. What is the Government doing for those 20-somethings that are out on the street dealing drugs and gangbanging because it's easier than getting an education and working for a living? The answer is nothing except to blame the white establishment for their shortcomings. How about another study?

HOTT not objective

November 9, 2007

Dear Sir,

I try not to listen to HOTT 1075 in the mornings during this "silly season" because the DJs' lack objectivity as radio announcers, unlike their counterparts. For example, this morning they were trying to justify and explain why they cannot be objective, as it is their role to not only listen to caller comments and opinions, but to give their opinions as well.

Despite what they learned in journalism, radio and communication school, I would think that they were taught communication ethics and should remember or be told that their respective positions makes them influential and they should leave political opinions to those that call in.

Turning the radio off is just not enough, so I would hope that the Broadcasting Commission would remind HOTT 1075 of their fundamental responsibility as radio presenters and not attempt to sway public opinion. HOTT 1075 sounds like The Royal Gazette reads at times!



No semblance of debate

November 8, 2007

Dear Sir,

I make no bones about being a UBP supporter, yet I have a rich variety of friends, a colourful, all-party group from all walks of life. We have different ideas about some things but we have much in common and, being friends, we respect each other's views. It makes for healthy debate, just as it should in politics. It's how we get new ideas or change our minds — a very human condition.

The trouble is we now have a leader determined to turn us into enemies. Gone is any semblance of thoughtful, healthy debate. In its place we are subjected to a daily tirade of inflammatory language, hurled insults, abusive and racist remarks. What are loyal PLP supporters to make of it? Most people, like my friends, do not subscribe to conspiracy theories. They believe in the rule of law and the freedom of the press to report any suspicion of wrongdoing or cover ups.

But our Premier, ignoring all in his determination to stop the press publishing further details of the BHC police investigation, is turning this into a personal vendetta. However the file came to be handed to the press, the whistle-blower, by his own admission, is a PLP supporter who felt compelled to act to bring these matters to light and four courts including the Privy Council agree with him.

A six figure sum of public money has been wasted bringing action that the vast majority of the population wanted to see fail so the facts could be made public and the people decide whether or not there is a case to answer. All we have been told so far is that, because our laws are antiquated, no further prosecution could be brought; however, the behaviour of our Premier and other named ministers, MPs and candidates was heavily criticised. Unethical conduct that only escapes prosecution because our laws are out of date cannot be excused or condoned. Those laws must be changed to prevent any further abuse.

But, in the meantime, we have a right to know how the Government, has conducted themselves in office and to judge whether it is worthy of our trust and future support. Not all are tarnished with the same brush and it is heartening that Michael Dunkley says; "I will try to bring people together if the opposing party has something I can support I will support it", as is the UBP's pledge of a clean campaign. Bermuda is too small for the PLP's divisive and confrontational brand of emotive politics. It turns friendships sour and ruins our close-knit community.

There are plenty of real issues that this campaign should be fought over, rather than Dr. Brown's personal hate-filled manifesto. He has lost the plot but under estimates his grassroots support. This isn't a harmless game of follow my leader and Bermudians will not follow blindly or defend the indefensible.

So where does that leave us? How will the international business community react and the rest of the world view these goings on? What do Bermudians really feel? Only the popular vote will tell.

Normally, I would sign this letter; however, in this present climate, I would rather not be branded as "vicious and vile" or "snide and nasty!"


Hamilton Parish

What corruption?

November 7, 2007

Dear Sir,

I would like to respond to a letter dated October 31, 2007 printed in Tuesday's paper from Mr. Clemens, Southampton with the heading "This ain't my daddy's UBP". He states the PLP Government had done some good and then he quickly turns his conversation from positive to negative. He talks about education. Education has been a problem for decades and not just in Bermuda!

Then he turns to crime. Is he suggesting the PLP Government is responsible for those hooligans who terrorise our communities? Is he also suggesting that with a UBP Government this will all stop? The Police can't solve murders when there is not one person who will step forward with concrete evidence or are you suggesting that they should create evidence to make them look good and to accomplish a conviction and are you willing to name someone you want to frame? Let me guess who you would name — Dr. Brown. Did I get it right? Mr. Clemens touches on homeownership and budgeting to accomplish this very thing! He touches on seniors — I guess he doesn't know abut this either, perhaps, because he is not a senior and he only listens to Louise Jackson!

Next he talked about the roads and hedges — in this case I guess he does not travel much around the island. He must mostly travel on private or estate roads. Works and Engineering are doing a wonderful job and many of them are passionate about their work. Just look at the gardens and the tree trimming where they can cut. Next he touches on corruption. What corruption? The most that could come out of this so-called corruption is unethical behaviour. Does Mr. Clemens feel that this unethical behaviour will continue now that it has been exposed? Could it be that these folk follow the guidelines that were in place before them? Spending money — does Mr. Clemens expect to get everything for free? Does he also expect the leader of our Country to stay at a Days Inn when meeting top level dignitaries overseas?

The PLP has a plan and they have had a plan since inception. The Party owns its headquarters; all its members participate in meaningful dialogue and the MPs find (I should say "plan" to zero in on your mindset) a way to implement these policies to the benefit of the majority. If you own your home, I bet you have registered it as your primary home. JetBlue appears to be the only credit he has given to the PLP Government and he claims to won over his dark face friends? I think these dark face people were trying not to burst Mr. Clemens''s bubble, being pale faced as he is and didn't tell him how utterly absurd he sounded. Perhaps, they are not really his friends by not pointing out the truths. On the flip side, he is not their friend either for pointing them in the wrong direction and not allowing them to decide based on their own experience. The PLP Government has helped more people across the board than ever before and I believe that's what frightens UBP supporters. The UBP plan to eradicate people having to work more than one job — are they suggesting our utilities, rents etc. will be subsidised. I heard that they would look at nursery fees — that alone will not help. Mr. Clemens talks about planning — did his party discuss how they plan to accomplish this pie in the sky promises. If they win — God forbid — I hope they know it has to be done within 4-5 years because 9 is just not good enough. Yes the UBP has a lot of black supporters and we all know why that is. If we state the reason we would be labelled racist.

Finally, I think it is quite interesting that Mr. Dunkley and his colleagues have now called for a clean campaign. This is after he has already done his dirty work. Could the real reason for this call be in the face of their partners (the newspaper) being able to print unproven allegations to mess with the electorate's mind for them? Let's not go backwards People of Bermuda. Let's move forward People of Bermuda. Vote solidly PLP and you will see more things happening that benefit the People not just a chosen few who already have it. Blacks on Front Street are making it because their white bosses are making it. See, we all win.

