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Senior civil servants given new ministries

Several senior civil servants have been given new workloads in an attempt to “deliver on the promise” of Premier Paula Cox.The Government reshuffle has seen permanent secretaries awarded new ministries and the number of departments falling under their remit adjusted. Government has called it a “reconfiguring” move because there were “natural synergies” between some ministries and departments.The changes were decided when Ms Cox took office in November last year but the transitions were only completed this month. The delay has been put down to logistical and legislative requirements.Government quangos Bermuda Land Development Corporation (BLDC) and West End Development Corporation (Wedco) have been transferred to the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy. Permanent secretary Robert Horton has been re-assigned to the Ministry of Government Estates and Information Services. While permanent secretary William Francis has been transferred to a post within the Cabinet Office to join the strategy team as it works through the implementation of the National School of Government recommendations.Director of Transport Randy Rochester has rejoined the civil service executive as an acting permanent secretary in the Ministry of Public Works.Premier Cox, through her press secretary, insisted there was “nothing new” about the changes as they had always been a “work in progress.”She said: “I promised to reconfigure and reshape the way we do business and these changes deliver on that promise.”She added: “The shift of the government quangos provides synergy with the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure as it incorporates environmentally green initiatives and technology.“It also provides a more integrated approach in dealing with Infrastructure and Planning matters. This refinement to Government’s operating model helps in our effort to streamline efficiency.”Secretary to the Cabinet Donald Scott said: “Everyone recognises that dynamic change is here and they have committed to doing their share in raising the standard of service delivery across Government.”Former Senator David Burch, who had been responsible for the Ministry of National Security and Housing, stepped down from Government just over a week ago.MP Wayne Perinchief replaced him as Minister of National Security and former police commissioner Jonathan Smith as Senator and Junior Minister.Minister Perinchief will now be responsible for Immigration and Economy, Trade and Industry while Minister Kim Wilson, who is now Senate leader, will continue to be responsible for work permits.Minister Walter Roban has taken over responsibility for Housing, as well as his portfolio, the Ministry of Environment Planning and Infrastructure Strategy.