Island got a boost from OECD forum David Burt
Bermuda’s reputation in the world of finance has received a boost from hosting the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, Junior Finance Minister David Burt said yesterday. Senator Burt said 227 delegates from 85 countries got to see how the Island does business, and acts as a positive component of the global financial system.“All delegates were very impressed and returned home with a deeper understanding of Bermuda as not just a leading tourist destination, but also as a sophisticated international financial centre that is a positive component of the global financial system,” Sen Burt said in a Ministerial Statement in the Senate.He said Bermuda’s status as a vice chair on the Global Forum puts it in a good position for the future.“This Government is committed to maintaining Bermuda’s position as a premium international financial centre,” he said.“With Bermuda serving in a leadership role of the new Global Forum, we can ensure our continuing position as the domicile of choice by not only being at the table, but by leading the way while promoting our interests and defending our reputation wherever and whenever necessary.”