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Police given more time to interview drunk suspects

The final piece of legislation transforming policing in Bermuda passed through the Senate on Wednesday but don’t rule out yet more amendments in the future.Government Senate Leader Kim Wilson said if more changes to the Police And Criminal Evidence (PACE) Act are introduced in the UK, they are likely to be mirrored in Bermuda, which is copying the British model.The new amendments passed through the Senate meaning suspects under the influence of alcohol or drugs must sober up in custody before the clock starts on the amount of time police are allowed to interview.It was the latest in a string of amendments made to PACE, which transforms laws governing policing matters such as evidence gathering, and was introduced over a phased period of six years.Former Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith, now a Progressive Labour Party Senator, said the law is a balancing act, trying to ensure police get results while protecting the rights of suspects.He said it had been introduced piece by piece as it would have been too much for police officers to take on board in one go.Independent Senator Walwyn Hughes said he feels sorry for police officers trying to get to grips with the complicated amendments over the past few years.