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Furbert defends Lefroy House in wake of story

Staff at Lefroy House should be commended for doing a great job to care for our seniors, according to Senator LaVerne Furbert.Sen Furbert told the Senate she was “very concerned” to read a story in The Royal Gazette about seniors “languishing” at the care home.In yesterday’s story Shadow Minister for Seniors Louise Jackson called it “scandalous” that the rest home had not been overhauled despite $19 million being earmarked for the job.But Sen Furbert said in a Motion to Adjourn: “The Ministry of Health is doing its upmost to improve the facility at Lefroy House.“The clients are certainly not languishing. This Government and staff at Lefroy House are taking care of our seniors”.Sen Furbert said her mother, who passed away last year, had spent several months at Lefroy House and she said staff had done “a great job”.She said improvements and upgrades had been made but as it was an older building, certain criteria had to be met when work was carried out.Sen Furbert said they were also looking to spend more than $1 million on improvements and renovations, including the laundry area.She said: “I know what it’s like and it’s very, very nice.“They’ve done renovations, the furniture is very nice, it’s a very nice facility.”Sen Furbert said she had never been to the Sylvia Richardson Care Home but added: “Lefroy House is comparable to all of the other facilities.”Sen Furbert said in a previous article she had written she had referred to Lefroy House staff as “angels”.She said: “These angels continue to work hard and continue to take care of our ageing people”.Sen Furbert then quoted a line from the story that stated: “When The Royal Gazette attempted to visit the facility with Ms Jackson, a member of staff refused to grant access”.Sen Furbert then started to say Lefroy House staff had told her they got “very annoyed” with Ms Jackson as they “felt she was there to critique their work”.It was at this point that One Bermuda Alliance Senate leader Michael Dunkley made a point of order saying Sen Furbert was “treading really close to dealing with personalities”.Sen Furbert was told to stick to the point and she added: “I will just say that I can understand why that happened”.Sen Furbert then said she wanted to turn her attentions to the role of the media, saying: “I continue to be concerned about the role of the media and reporting that takes place in Bermuda”.Sen Furbert explained that Bermuda has “two newspapers that are hard copies and one online”.She then commended Tony McWilliam, the editor of the Bermuda Sun, for printing an article in yesterday’s edition “that takes out inaccurate information”.The article headlined ‘Our story about Dr Ewart Brown was incorrect’ stated that a story and headline in Friday’s Bermuda Sun contained inaccurate information when it reported that former Premier Dr Ewart Brown and others set up a company to import generic drugs from India.Sen Furbert was then told that she only had “about half a minute left” as Senators are only allowed to give ten-minute Motion to Adjourn speeches.She said: “Next week I will continue on the role of the media and the things that need to be done.”