No winner in Butterfield and Burt rematch
There was no victory speech last night as ruling party members of the Pembroke West Central Branch failed again to select a constituency candidate for the next general election.Under strict orders to stay mum, candidates and their supporters declined to confirm the result to the press making it clear that the contest had produced another tie.As the members filed out of the Berkeley auditorium shortly before 9pm one woman was heard to say “the Premier should decide”.Challenger David Burt, pressed to make a comment by Bermuda Broadcasting Company, simply said: “It is what it is.”Asked what should happen next, he said: “That is for the party to decide.”The incumbent, Minister Neletha Butterfield, looking exhausted, would not comment.“This process is energising the electorate and demonstrates democracy at its best,” said Devonshire South Central candidate Anthony Richardson who had turned up as an observer.Branch members did not seem that energised, however.“We can’t keep coming back for 35-35,” said one man speaking to no one in particular. “If the incumbent doesn’t do it, the challenger stays.”The Progressive Labour Party Constitution provides no specific guidance on what should happen in the event of repeated ties.“The selection meeting in Constituency 18, Pembroke West Central, produced no winner as Minister Neletha Butterfield and Senator David Burt received an equal amount of votes.At this time, therefore, a candidate has not been selected,” was the party’s official statement on last night’s meeting.Public Relations Officer, Curtis Williams could not say what would happen next.Asked whether Party Leader Paula Cox would be able to make the final decision, he said: “The Constitution was amended a few years ago and basically the branch has the final say under the constitution. The Premier is out of it unless there are extreme circumstances.”The pair’s contest at West Pembroke Primary School last month ended with no result amid allegations Ms Butterfield’s 17-year-old grandson took part in the vote.That outcome prompted last night’s rematch.