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Island is not serving those ‘most needy’ of housing Fahy

Michael Fahy

Housing was a glaring omission from governments’ Throne Speech, the Opposition One Bermuda Alliance has charged.“There are a number of people in the community who have literally nowhere to go,” OBA Senator Michael Fahy said.“They are living on families’ sofas, they’re living in caves, they’re living on the beach.”He said: “I would hope to see that giving the theme of let’s build one another together there would be more in there about emergency housing.”And he reiterated the OBA’s pledge to address the need for emergency housing if elected to government. Sen Fahy said the facility at Southside was overwhelmed. “We are failing in terms of assisting those persons in the community who literally have nothing. And there are some initiatives out there to try and help,” he said. “But we need to have a purpose built facility to assist those persons who really have difficulty in our community.”He said: “It seems to me there is a gap in that particular area in Bermuda right now for the most needy and I think so far we have failed these people, and I hope we can do better.”And the Senator wondered why a proposal for a land swap several lands ago to address emergency housing had not materialised. “I don’t know why the land swap did not happen. I know that plans were in a very advanced stage. There were architectural models put together for a purpose built facility that included facilities there for addiction, for job services, for psychological counselling,” he said. “All I would say to that is let’s try to do better.”The Senator acknowledged that the Loughlands project was “somewhat of a success in terms of affordable housing” and it was “laudable” to give people a “step up” with an opportunity to buy their first homes. But he noted that now some Loughlands homeowners were selling those homes on the open market to people who already owned their homes, which was not the intent. The Senator said that the situation was caused by the fact that the Bermuda Housing Corporation did not have the money to purchase the homes and offer them to new first time homeowners as originally planned.