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One-stop career centre creation is agreed by Senators

Amendments to create a one-stop career centre were approved unanimously in the Senate yesterday.The National Training Board Amendment Act 2011 brings together the National Training Board and the career development and labour relations sections of the Department of Labour and Training to create a single unit under a single board.The career centre will offer numerous services to employers and those seeking work. It will provide career counselling, a job-listing database, job referrals and trade certification.Government Senate leader Kim Wilson said that bringing the sections together with the NTB would eliminate redundancies, while the creation of a larger board would allow a wider range of matters to be covered.OBA Senator Toni Daniels expressed concern that it would cost the NTB some of its independence and noted the need to match national certification training with international industry standards, but said she was pleased to see the one-stop career centre coming to fruition.