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Premier hails new PLP candidate as ‘our female pit bull’

(Photo by Mark Tatem)Ready for election: Minister Kim Wilson, centre, was announced as the PLP representative for constituency 34, Sandys South Central, yesterday.

Economy Minister Kim Wilson was yesterday announced as the ruling party’s General Election candidate for Sandys South Central.Premier Paula Cox described Minister Wilson as “our female pit bull” who was prepared to do the hard work.The Minister paid tribute to Walter Lister, the current representative who is retiring from politics, as someone who has served the district with “integrity, service and commitment” and promised to follow in his footsteps.She said she lived in the area which had its “endearing qualities” such as community pride and neighbourliness.Surrounded by friends, family and party officials at the Allen Temple AME Church in Somerset, Ms Wilson said: “I can’t think of a better place to commence one’s political career, with respect to seeking election, than to be situated in front of God’s house in Gods’ country.”She said the importance of public service had been instilled in her by her family.“Having served in Government in various capacities- including holding some rather significant portfolios such as the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, I can say that the experiences I have gained will better equip me to serve the members of constituency 34 Sandys South Central. I have a proven track record,” she continued.Among her achievements as Economy Minister, she noted, was pioneering an “unemployment drive the first of its kind,” and public education on the importance of international business and strengthening the relationship between Government, the Unions and Employers.“Whilst the Minister of ETI, the One Stop Career Centre inched closer to becoming a tangible reality and I championed the cause of small business entrepreneurs by ensuring that the Bermuda Economic Development Corp. was changing its pace with the changing economic times.”Minister Wilson said the community’s concerns unemployment, the economy, and crime in the area “are all things that I am equipped to tackle”.“As a Senator and Government Minister, I understand how Government works and I am well positioned to advance your views, ideas and desires to influence policy and decision making now and in the future.”She promised the constituents that she will listen to their concerns and hold regular forums to discuss the districts’ topical issues.And she said she will work to create programmes for area youth.“As a mother and wife I have a strong sense of family values, the needs of the family and the need for role models, structure and the direction of our children. As a former educator I have a strong sense for the need of high quality education,” she continued.“And as a lawyer I have a strong sense for law and order and justice. As a member of the Bermuda community and as an active member of this church I have a strong sense for the needs of our community.”Asked what personal core values will guide her work as a representative, she said as a priority she would always consult God before making any decisions.“I cannot do it on my own and His will has to be superior and He also knows what is best.”