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Age Concern sees merit in reconsidering pensioners’ land tax exemption

A rethink on the land tax exemption for pensioners could be positive if the correct measures are implemented, according to Age Concern.Government stated, in the recently released Pre-Budget Report, it was reconsidering the current exemption in an effort to make up for a predicted revenue shortfall.A section of the report read: “In 2005 the Government exempted all pensioners from land tax. Prior to this change, homes owned by pensioners with an ARV of less than $40,000 were exempt from land tax.“It is not envisioned that the Government would look to remove this exemption in its entirety; however, the Government will examine ways to continue to provide this relief to a vast majority of pensioners while reducing this annual tax expenditure of $6 million.”Speaking on the issue, Age Concern director Claudette Fleming said: “If the appropriate balance of a secure safety net for the disadvantaged and reasonable tax expectations is imposed on those who can afford it, we are collectively in a better position to weather the current economic storm.”She said that it was understandable that Government wants to raise revenue, but that Government must not do so at the expense of those who are most vulnerable.“I think in these challenging economic times we can expect that Government will examine areas where it is losing revenue,” Mrs Fleming said.“What is critical in these decisions is that we must be careful to ensure that policy changes will not impact the economically vulnerable who often rely on Government concessions to assist in minimising their own daily expenses.”