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Poll finds whites, older residents want election called as soon as possible

Most whites are of the view that Government should call the next election as soon as possible, according to the latest poll conducted by MindMaps for The Royal Gazette.A representative sample of 400 registered voters were interviewed by telephone for the survey, conducted between December 2 and December 10.Forty-three percent overall agreed that the election should be called at the earliest possible opportunity, up 11 points from September.Twenty-five percent said that Government should wait to call an election while 29 percent said they did not care when the election is called.A small minority of whites polled, eight percent, said Government should wait. And another 18 percent said they did not care when it was called.Opinion among the black population was more evenly spread with just 26 percent saying the election should be called as soon as possible, 33 percent saying Government should wait and 35 percent saying they don’t care either way.Whites and residents aged 55 years and over were more likely to be in favour of Government calling an election as soon as possible.