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OBA cries foul as candidate left fighting for his livelihood

Anthony Francis the OBA's candidate for constituency 13 Devonshire South. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

The Opposition One Bermuda Alliance is seeing red at what they claim is political discrimination by the Government of Bermuda.Their approved candidate Anthony Francis is being pressured to leave his job at the Post Office because of his candidacy, while John Gibbons, a candidate for the ruling party has been allowed to continue working at his Government job, the party claims.“He’s fighting for his livelihood and he’s fighting for his ability to continue to feed his family and make a living,” said OBA Chairman Thad Hollis last night.“It just seems it’s unfortunate that he decided to become a candidate for the Opposition party.”Mr Francis, who works as IT Manager for the Bermuda Post Office, was pressured to resign from his job the day after he was rolled out as the OBA’s candidate for Devonshire South, the party claims.He was told to withdraw his candidacy, face charges of gross misconduct, or resign by the end of the year.Mr Francis submitted his resignation but later attempted to rescind his resignation on the advice of the civil servants union.While his supervisor accepted the decision not to resign, the Secretary to the Cabinet did not, claiming the policy in place requires his resignation.Government’s long-standing policy has been that political candidates are only required to take a leave of absence when the writ is dropped, and would be allowed to return to their job if they were unsuccessful at the election.But, according to the OBA, the policy is being revised in a way that targets their candidate.Mr Hollis says that Mr Francis’ withdrawal of his resignation was “rejected on the basis that he was a candidate for the OBA and that he had criticised the Government.”John Gibbons, the ruling party candidate, has not been asked to resign his position as a Vector Control Officer with the Department of Environmental Protection.The reason given for this by the Secretary to the Cabinet is that the same policy does not apply to public servants represented by the Bermuda Industrial Union.Mr Francis is represented by the Bermuda Public Services Union.“It just seems that within the public sector there is not an equitable and even treatment of public servants,” Mr Hollis said last night.“And the regulations which are being quoted by the Secretary to the Cabinet were new to myself and Mr Francis. We were not aware that these things even existed.”Mr Francis made a formal request for a leave of absence this week.When contacted he said he could not comment because of possible pending litigation.