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Politics the most challenging part of hospital plan

Herman Tucker

Politics is the most challenging aspect of running the Island’s hospitals, according to Herman Tucker.“Trying to understand the political viewpoint while at the same time making sure the vision and the goals of the organisation are not compromised and go according to our plan,” said Mr Tucker.“That interface is important and politicians as we know, they see things from a different viewpoint sometimes. And the trick is trying to make them see the rationale behind whatever it is you are trying to present.”The late Nelson Bascome was his favourite Health Minister, Mr Tucker said because of his background in health and his decisiveness.“He spoke our language. And it’s Nelson’s vision why we have this [new hospital project] today,” said Mr Tucker.Government had all but shelved the controversial project to build the new hospital by the time Mr Tucker took over the Chairmanship.Besides the public uproar over plans to site the facility in the Botanical Gardens, the hospital was contending with a host of internal issues - all of which conspired to push plans for the new build to the bottom of the priority list.“Nelson came in about three Ministers later during my term, and in my very first meeting with him he asked ‘What about the new hospital?’” he said.“He said ‘don’t we need a new hospital?’ I said we do need a new hospital but noone wants to touch it right now. He said ‘well, I want a new hospital’.”Mr Tucker ends his tenure as Chairman of the Bermuda Hospitals Board at the end of the year, after almost five years - a tenure which makes him one of the longest serving Chairs in recent memory.“It is treated as a political football. There’s a lot of political rhetoric from both camps who don’t actually know or understand the realities and the issues. And that;s fair enough because they are politicians but I wish they would consider the consequences of the things that they say and the impact that it has on the organisation in terms of the people that work here and are working very hard to deliver a good service and the impact and perception it leaves with the public. Because it’s very easy to stand up and make an accuisation or say something that is half truth or an outright lie.”–