Call for Premier to address Minister’s controversial IB remarks
Premier Paula Cox has been called upon to speak up about recent controversial statements made by National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief regarding International Business.Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said that Minister Perinchief’s comments “are the latest in a string of Government statements over the last few years that have alienated international business people.”In a recent interview with this newspaper, Mr Perinchief said that international businesses “had an obligation, not just a civic responsibility” to provide more money to help Bermuda tackle gun crime.“The damage these statements have done and continue to do is difficult to quantify, but we know from feedback that they weaken International Business’s attachment to Bermuda,” Mr Cannonier said. “Each time a Government spokesman utters such sentiments, it makes business people more inclined to move their jobs and operations elsewhere, and it strengthens the arguments made by our competitors to do so.”He added that such comments amounted to “playing fire with the one engine of economic growth left in Bermuda”.“The cumulative effect of reckless Government rhetoric, ill-advised policies, poor fiscal management and questionable activities is the deterioration of Bermuda’s business environment.”Mr Cannonier warned: “The Premier likes to talk about how healthy the PLP Government’s relationship is with International Business, but our soundings tell a different story.”He characterised Mr Perinchief’s statements as “divisive, poorly informed and insulting given the tens of millions international businesses have donated to Island charities.”And he asked: “What is gained by alienating a sector of the economy that generates more than 60 percent of all economic activity on the Island, especially when other sectors are in decline? What was his point? Is it divisive PLP pre-election politics taking precedence, once again, over the interests of the country?”As to Mr Perinchief’s saying that he was reconciling with the sector as a result of his comments, the OBA leader described it as “hogwash”.“Who did he “kiss and make up” with? The words he spoke went out to everyone who lives and works here. What steps did he take to make up? Conversations we’ve had since then indicate that people remain concerned about the Government’s real intentions with respect to International Business.“The Premier needs to step forward to explain Mr Perinchief’s comments. Do they reflect Government thinking? After all, he sits at the table as a member of the Cabinet.”The Royal Gazette understands that the Association of Bermuda International Companies will be meeting with Minister Perinchief in the New Year.