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Premier challenged to live TV debate on the economy

One Bermuda Alliance Leader Craig Cannonier introduces Bob Richards as the candidate for the Party in constituency 11.( Photo by Glenn Tucker )

The One Bermuda Alliance rolled out another candidate today as Party leader Craig Cannonier announced Bob Richards, the Shadow Minister of Finance will run in Devonshire East, Constituency 11, for the seat he currently holds in the House of Assembly.And while making the announcement Mr Richards threw out a challenge to Premier Paula Cox to hold a televised debate on the state of Bermuda’s economy before a general election is called.“In the past five years, the people of Devonshire East, and across the Island, have been hit by job losses, shrinking paycheques, break-ins, shootings, cutbacks in public services and tax increases. These are the consequences of a government that took its eye off the ball and failed to put the interests of working people first. Now the choice in the coming election is clear and simple: to continue on as we are, or make a decisive change for the better. When you boil it down it’s as simple as that.”Mr Cannonier opened the news conference with the public feedback he and party members hear on the campaign trail daily. “There’s a dark cloud hanging over this Country, we are dealing with unprecedented unemployment levels, and all we hear from the government is the potwashing employment plan. There is a widespread sense of hopelessness, people are suffering and Bermudians are out of work.”On that note, Mr Richards said: “Bermudians are just not buying the line that it’s all the fault of the global recession. We must face up to the reality that parts of the Bermuda economy are broken and that we must fix them, the rest of the world won’t. The sheer unpredictability of this government has had a devastating effect on people’s confidence in it and helped undermine confidence in Bermuda as a whole.”