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Senator calls beer shortage story ‘sensationalist’

Senator Diallo Rabain has criticised The Royal Gazette for putting an article about Elephant beer on the front page.The article highlighted a shortage of the popular beer on the Island.Sen Rabain yesterday described the placement of Saturday’s story as “sensationalist” in the Upper House.He said he was particularly alarmed because the story followed Friday’s coverage on students’ use of alcohol and drugs.“One day there’s a story about our young people drinking and about alcohol being tied to sexual behaviour,” Sen Rabain said.“The next day there is a story about, lo and behold, Elephant beer in short supply on the Island, and people are upset that they won’t be able to get their beer for the weekend. Who decides what goes on the front page?“We need for us, as a community, to stand up and say ‘if you go ahead and claim to be the only daily newspaper, you have to be a bit more responsible about what you have to report’.”The Senator said he was “sorely disappointed” that while the beer shortage made the front, a story about Cisco Academy offering free IT training was “buried” in the same paper, appearing on page five.