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MP Foggo leads delegation to Jamaica conference

Government Whip Lovitta Foggo is leading an all-female delegation for a parliamentary conference in Jamaica.The Bermuda branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is in Kingston for the 50th year of the island’s independence.Ms Foggo, the first female Chief Whip in the Caribbean’s CPA, is accompanied by Economy Minister Patrice Minors, former Culture Minister Neletha Butterfield, One Bermuda Alliance MP Patricia Gordon-Pamplin and Clerk to the Legislature Shernette Wolffe.The week-long conference, which began last Friday, has the theme: “Low Citizen Confidence in Governance: How can Parliamentarians build trust in Caribbean Legislatures?”Events will include a conference of Commonwealth women parliamentarians, and will discuss matters such as how women help build bridges between the community and government.Seventeen member countries of the Caribbean including Anguilla, Barbados, Trinidad and Cayman Islands are also in attendance.