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US/Bermuda cooperation on criminal prosecution bill passed by House

MPs have approved legislation which will allow Bermuda to meet its obligations to the US under a recently ratified treaty on legal assistance in criminal matters.The instrument of ratification for the treaty was signed by US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in January this year.Junior Justice Minister Michael Scott told the House of Assembly that, as a result, amendments to the Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) (Bermuda) Act 1994 were “urgently” needed.“The Government of Bermuda is required to be legally prepared to process and deal with requests for assistance to meet obligations,” he said, introducing the 2012 amendment to the Act.The Progressive Labour Party MP said the original Act was insufficient to allow Government to deal with the kinds of obligations normally contained within mutual legal assistance treaties, hence the need for the amendment.Bermuda and the US signed the treaty to tackle money launderers, drug traffickers and terrorists in January 2009.Mr Scott said: “Ultimately, the provisions of this bill will allow Bermuda to safeguard the integrity of our jurisdiction by providing a vehicle for cross border criminal prosecution, as between Bermuda and the United States.“It will thereby serve to cement the long-standing partnership between our two nations for the foreseeable future, as relates to furthering the cause of justice.”