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‘We owe our visitors a better experience’ Patricia Gordon-Pamplin

Visitors and the travelling public are being badly affected by Bermuda’s failing buses, Shadow Transport Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin told MPs..The Opposition MP spoke out in the House of Assembly about the fact that 18 buses were out of service last Wednesday because they were “waiting for new tyres”.She said she understood some tyres had now arrived on the Island and “for that we are grateful”.But Mrs Gordon-Pamplin added: “We owe our visitors a better experience than what we are providing for them.”She said the “breakdown of the infrastructure” was having an impact on the public purse, because bus drivers were having to be paid even when there were no buses available for them to drive.“We can’t expect the bus drivers to be out of pocket because the system has not enabled them to have the necessary equipment to operate. Looking at the infrastructure is critical.”The One Bermuda Alliance politician told the House she was wrongly quoted this week as saying that Government recently spent a “cool million” on its national tourism plan.Mrs Gordon-Pamplin said she was well aware the plan cost $182,000; the million dollars was in reference to the amount spent on promotions and attending trade shows by the Department of Tourism.