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Speeding up the planning process for small developments

Some small-scale developments could soon not require a planning application, Planning Minister Marc Bean announced yesterday.Speaking at a press conference, Mr Bean said the changes would lead to increased efficiency and a faster approval process should the legislation be passed.“The General Development Order is essentially enabling secondary legislation that permits a range of small scale development to be carried out without the formal submission of a planning application,” Mr Bean said.Already some forms of small development, such as the installation of solar panels or satellite dishes and the construction of small walls are covered by the General Development Order, which grants automatic approval should specified conditions be met.Such proposals go through the Permitted Development Process, which are on average dealt with by the Department in six working days.The legislation proposed would expand the list of projects able to go through the expedited process by increasing the permitted site coverage for additions, increasing total permitted floor area for additions and including the construction of swimming pools.“I must stress that safety, standards and environmental quality will not be compromised by these changes,” Mr Bean said.“In particular, safeguards will be in place to ensure compliance with requirements such as the development restrictions set out in the Bermuda Plan 2008.“The main objective of this change is to respond positively to the current needs of the Island by expanding the range and scope of works that are deemed ‘Permitted Development’ and therefor can benefit from an expedited approval process.”He further announced the Ministry plans to make amendments to the Development and Planning Act 1974 to extend the powers of the Development Applications Board to delegate authority to the Planning director in determining straightforward application.Those applications must be fully compliant with the policies and requirements of the Bermuda Plan 2008.Currently, the Board or its sub committee decides on all planning applications.The Planning Director would also be able to finalise technical details, such as parking or landscaping, for major schemes which are ready for in principle consideration.Mr Bean said the decision to make the changes came as a result of a recent review of planning legislation.“The Department is continually reviewing and streamlining its processes and procedures in the effort to reduce application processing times further,” Mr Bean said.“Both of these upcoming legislative changes I have outlined are consistent with the Government’s mission to gain efficiencies in the delivery of public service.“In this regard, we can expect the ongoing review of planning legislation and its supporting policies as well as the Department’s procedures and processes as dynamic responses to the conditions of the day.”