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MPs give backing to ‘most comprehensive tourism plan’

(Photo by Akil Simmons)Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert as he launched the Tourism National Plan. File picture.

Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert sang the praises of the National Tourism Plan when it was debated in the House of Assembly yesterday.A total of 22 MPs from across all three parties gave their unanimous backing to the plan after a lengthy debate about the state of the industry.According to Mr Furbert, it will “increase tourism expenditure, expand tax revenue, increase jobs and raise the GDP”.Specific targets are to generate $1.4 billion a year through tourism by 2022, and create 6,157 new jobs.The luxury market will be targeted, cruise visitors converted into air arrivals who spend more money, and more tourists will be attracted out of season, if all the aims are achieved.Mr Furbert explained that it is “the most comprehensive tourism plan we have ever had”. It took a year to work on and involved consultation with more than 80 stakeholder groups.“Bermuda, we think, is unique and authentic,” explained Mr Furbert.He delivered a lengthy speech highlighting how the plan aims to play up Bermuda’s natural gifts and resources.A new marketing approach will be taken to develop products such as cultural tourism, sport tourism, and eco tourism.Mr Furbert said five “destination hubs” will be created in St George’s, the City of Hamilton, South Shore, Royal Naval Dockyard and offshore.He said planned new hotel developments at Morgan’s Point and Par la Ville Park will help. He also spoke of promoting activities such as beach volleyball, soccer and tennis, and offshore rafts where people can moor their boats and party.The Minister added that the Island needs a convention centre. He said there will be a new marketing and sales approach aimed at the “luxury lifestyle segment” and niche interest groups such as sportsmen, divers, culture seekers, fishermen and sailors.He acknowledged that facilities and services will need to be improved, ranging from hotel accommodation and the leisure and entertainment options on offer to transport.He also highlighted the need to develop pride in the tourism industry and awareness of the career opportunities it provides.Mr Furbert said steps will be taken to secure international investment in Bermuda.Kicking off the Opposition’s participation in the debate, Shadow Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell pointed out that Government has been in power for 14 years, yet the plan is only now coming to fruition.He said he would like to congratulate Mr Furbert for his achievement, but noted that former Tourism Minister Renee Webb first mooted the idea eight years ago.He also pointed out that until recently, Government was not seeing the imbalance between air and cruise arrivals as a bad thing, and was in fact aiming to increase cruise visitors.He complained that many of the proposals in the tourism plan have been heard before, such as improving transport.“This is not anything new,” he said. “We know what a mess the transportation system has been in. This Government has been in Government for almost 14 years and these issues did not suddenly appear in 2012.”He went on to observe: “Each Bermudian needs to understand that we are all ambassadors when it comes to the tourism product. We must all sell our home when it comes to making this National Tourism Plan work.”He said questions needed to be asked as to whether the plan is “realistic” or “overambitious.” He warned that Bermuda must be able to offer “a competitive price and experience” to visitors or it will run into trouble.He also complained that many of the targets in the plan lack an explanation of how they are going to be achieved.“How are we going to increase pride and jobs? These are quite ambitious and lofty objectives that we can all support. And if, by tomorrow, by a magic wand it can happen we will all be happy,” he said.