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Higher fines for bad behaviour on public buses come into effect

Breaking the rules on a bus now comes at a much higher price, as Government approved higher fines for conduct regulation violations last week.The Government Omnibus Regulations were originally written in 1952.They have been revised and updated several times since then, most recently in 1997, but the fines had never been increased until now.Fines for many offences, such as causing wilful damage or carrying a dangerous object on a bus, more than doubled with the new regulations.The original fine for causing damage to a bus was $175, but now the same offence carries a $500 fine.The fine for bringing a dangerous article onto a bus increased even more drastically from $175 to $1,000 for the first offence. A second offence will cost $2,500.Additional changes are persons are now prohibited from throwing objects from a bus and a $300 fine for not vacating a reserved seat for a disabled person.Other changes included $300 fines for improper dress and evading payment, both up from $175. Attempting to evade payment a second time carries a $500 fine, an increase from $252 in the original regulations.