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Tougher scrutiny to catch car licence fraudsters

Seniors will be legally protected from paying car licence fees, but TCD will crack down on fraudsters seeking to take advantage of the scheme.Senate yesterday approved the Motor Car Amendment Act, which enshrines in law the policy of not charging seniors car licencing fees.However Senator Jonathan Smith explained that applications would be more heavily scrutinised to catch abusers.Since the relief was established in 2007, some have taken advantage of the scheme by registering vehicles under the names of seniors.According to Transport Minister Walter Roban, the number of Class H cars registered to seniors has risen by 358 percent since the tax break was established.Such abuse has reportedly cost the Government around $17 million in lost revenue.Government had announced that it would be limiting the relief to smaller classes of vehicle, but Sen Smith said the move was later reconsidered due to feedback from the public.OBA Senator Toni Daniels and Independent Senator James Jardine both voiced slight concern that the act’s definition left a little “wiggle room” for abuse by saying the vehicle must be for the “benefit of the senior car owner.”However both Senators said they support the amendments.Government Senator Diallo Rabain said he felt the Government’s “tweaking” of the legislation proved that the Progressive Labour Party is listening to the public.“I’m happy to see that this is going to happen,” Sen Rabain said. “This represents and investment in our senior population.”Senator Kim Wilson agreed, saying: “When the people cry out for change, cry out for a particular position, the Government has been responsive and listens and acts accordingly.”