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Eighteen young men off to Georgia to pursue Drywall Mechanic Certification

Economy Minister Patrice Minors with the 18 men who will attend drywall certification in Georgia.

Government unveiled a $144,000 new employment initiative for 18 men to gain certification through a Drywall Programme specially designed for Bermuda at a cost of $8,000 per student.The Construction Education Foundation of Georgia was selected “to deliver the required curriculum that will lead to a recognised Drywall Mechanic Certification”.The cost covers airfare, tuition, room and board plus a stipend for the four week programme.Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Patrice Minors said: “I should point out that this level of training is currently not available in Bermuda and this programme was designed specific to Bermuda’s needs.”The course will run from August 27 through to September 22, participants will attend classes six days a week for ten hours a day.Ms Minors said the new programme “demonstrates that this Government is providing solutions to our unemployment challenges by placing Bermudians in jobs”.It was launched in partnership with the Construction Association of Bermuda and a group of drywall professionals.The 18 individuals “have been industry assessed and deemed ready to embark on this educational venture”.“Upon completion of the coursework, these gentlemen will sit a two hour examination to prove their proficiency and competence,” said Ms Minors.“This training opportunity serves to minimise the issuance of work permits particularly in respect to the two major construction projects namely, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the former Waterloo House sites.“And yes, it is anticipated that all participants will be fully employed following the successful completion of the programme, the demand for certified professionals today is unprecedented,” she said.“Local and overseas organisations are placing greater emphasis on the importance of certifications.“These individuals will undoubtedly become ‘pacesetters’ and role models to their peers in industry.”The Minister highlighted one of the participants Kevin Bean, a carpentry instructor as a prime example.“This programme will provide him with experience and exposure that will enhance his teaching and instruction — truly a demonstrated effort to achieve and deliver excellence.“We are demonstrating that we are doing all we can to assist Bermudians during these tough economic times,” said Ms Minors.“Let there be no doubt we are ensuring fairness and opportunities for Bermudians; we are solving people’s problems; we are standing up for Bermudians; and yes we are and will continue to make sure and steady progress in helping Bermudians to succeed.”She also introduced the owner of the local company that successfully secured the bid for the drywall contract for the new hospital to the media.Damien Cann of C2 Interiors thanked the Government, the National Training Board and the successful candidates.“This has been a positive and rewarding experience for both me and my partner since the Government has put such a wonderful programme in place.“And to all the candidates I hope you work hard, do your best and show support for the Government for the support your Government has shown you,” he said.The Minister said she met with the contractors for the new hospital and the Waterloo site several months ago and the “topic of drywallers came up”.“It was from that point that we made the determination that we needed to make every effort to get those technicians in the trade and those that may be interested to be prepared for the work that was going to come on board.“That vision was taken and what we have before you is the result of that, so that we have the opportunity to have certified finishers in the drywall trade ready to put their skill sets to work once we get to that stage at the respective sites,” said Ms Minors.“Mr Cann who was successful in getting the contract for the drywall at the hospital has also signed on to take on seven of these young men who are standing with us upon their return.“It has been an all inclusive effort in consultation with the drywall installers to make this a very successful programme,” she added.