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Cannonier:'Let's get it on'

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OBA leader Craig Cannonier speaks at a press conference following the announcement of the General Election.

Loud cheers, whistles and applause marked a rally and press conference of One Bermuda Alliance hierarchy at the Vasco Da Gama Club supporting party leader Craig Cannonier's call to “Get it on!” — his first speech of the official election season now the December 17 polling day has been announced by Premier Paula Cox.Dressed in red and black, candidates, party officials and their family members presented a confident and enthusiastic front.“We've made it a point to reach out,” said Mr. Cannonier after delivering his speech. “Look at our candidates; they are mothers, young people, experienced people... our people are loving it that we show we trust them to make good, that we are bringing them on as candidates.”The OBA's rallying cry of 'it's time for change' was the theme of Mr Cannonier's speech. He said: “The election presents you with two very different visions for the Island. One is determined to keep things as they are, using the divisive politics of the past to keep it that way, with no plan to create jobs. The other, with a plan to grow jobs, looks forward to a more prosperous, secure and unifying future for every Bermudian.“The choice will be one of the most important in the life of this country,” he said.OBA Chairman Thad Hollis described himself as “on top of the world” and said: “We're ahead in the polls, 11 points ahead in the polls,” quoting a MindMaps poll that ran in The Royal Gazette on November 1, which gave the OBA 40 percent of votes cast by likely voters against 29 percent for the Progressive Labour Party. He said those numbers “absolutely” translate into a seats majority. “There is no doubt that Craig Cannonier will be the next Premier,” he said.In his speech, Mr. Cannonier pointed to “thousands“ of conversations with constituents as the basis of their platform. “Our plans are built on these conversations and they are where you want your government to be,” he said, promising to grow jobs: “...we will set job-creating targets and commit to deadlines you can hold us to;” public safety, stating the OBA will stop shootings and make streets and homes safer; support education and teachers, and public service: “operating from a foundation of fairness for all, in everything. We will put in place laws, regulations and best practices all the architecture to give you a government you can trust; a government that is open in its work, transparent in its spending and accountable for its performance.”Speaking to The Royal Gazette after giving his speech, the party leader said: “It's exciting. The energy is there the excitement is there. There's been keen anticipation for (an election date for) some time.“I've been canvassing from St David's to Dockyard,” he said. “I'm not surprised at the level of support we are getting”, and with a reference to the economic downturn, said: “Just look at the state we are living in.”He called it “a high point” that the youth and single mothers are two groups which appear to have embraced the OBA. “To hear them express their frustrations (the PLP Government) has not worked for them.”He took one question from the press following the speech, where he expressed support for Operation CeaseFire as a way to address gang murders, saying the programme involves all sectors of the community. “It's a united approach, and every Ministry has a stake.” He said it will “cease these shootings”.He also said that the OBA will announce their candidate for Constituency 20 (Pembroke South West, now held by OBA MP Louise Jackson, who is retiring) just prior to nomination day.

Opposition OBA leader Craig Cannonier
OBA leader Craig Cannonier speaks at a press conference following the announcement of the General Election. (Photo by Mark Tatem)
OBA leader Craig Cannonier speaks at a press conference following the announcement of the General Election. (Photo by Mark Tatem)
OBA leader Craig Cannonier speaks at a press conference following the announcement of the General Election. (Photo by Mark Tatem)
OBA leader Craig Cannonier speaks at a press conference following the announcement of the General Election. (Photo by Mark Tatem)