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PLP make Commissiong and Lister Shadow Ministers

Dennis Lister

Rolfe Commissiong and Dennis Lister have been appointed Shadow Ministers, the Progressive Labour Party announced yesterday.Mr Commissiong, the MP for Pembroke South East, is now the Shadow Minister of Workforce Development, while Sandys North Central MP Mr Lister has been given Ministerial responsibility for quangos.Party leader Marc Bean has also moved responsibility for National Drug Control from the Shadow Public Safety portfolio under Michael Scott, to the Shadow Attorney General, Kim Wilson.“The additions of Mr Commissiong and Mr Lister are to allow full participation at the Shadow Cabinet level of the full Parliamentary team,” said Mr Bean. “It enables each Member of Parliament to have a focus on a particular aspect of our government and to ensure that the Government is held to account.“In addition, public safety is one of the most important Ministries, and it was felt that to enable Mr Scott to focus solely on that aspect, that we would transition responsibilities for National Drug Control and Department of Corrections over to Ms Wilson who has shown her aptitude for handling those areas in the past.”

Rolfe Commissiong