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Too many ‘broken promises’ PLP attacks OBA at 100 days

Opposition Leader Marc Bean

The Opposition Progressive Labour Party has given the new Government failing grade for its first 100 days, saying it has presided over a string of broken promises and had failed to stand up for Bermudians.But Premier Craig Cannonier dismissed the PLP’s salvo as “schoolyard fighting tactics”.At a press conference yesterday afternoon, Party Leader Marc Bean said that the One Bermuda Alliance Government had broken eight of its pre election promises.“Whether the OBA was naive in making these promises or attempted to mislead us, it remains for the people to decide. Let us not forget, that our word is our honour and this applies to all of us, even the OBA,” said Mr Bean at an Alaska Hall press conference.Broken promises include a pledge to cut spending and reduce the debt, cut the travel budget, decrease the size of cabinet and not to hire consultants, Mr Bean added.He continued: “The OBA’s promise to lower the cost of healthcare has been broken, with them raising healthcare rates by 20 percent.“This will cost families at a minimum $1,300 more a year and seniors $2,600 more a year.“The OBA’s promise to immediately cut Minister’s salaries was delayed for three months while they pocketed the full salary with part-time Ministers pocketing full salaries while still holding down their jobs in the private sector.“The OBA’s promise that ‘privatisation is not part of our plan,’ has been broken with their SAGE Commission now tasked with identifying which parts of government will be privatised.”Meanwhile, Mr Bean said, the PLP had been busy renewing itself “with new leadership, new vision and a new direction”.“We have been renewing our promise as a Party that recognises our mistakes, acknowledges our mistakes and learns from our mistakes.“We have been renewing our promise as a movement that stands strong for Bermudians.“We have been in the community, humbly listening and receiving guidance from our peopleWe have been engaged in sombre reflection on how we can use our experience and abilities to better serve our people as an effective Opposition and Government in waiting.”Mr Bean, accompanied by Pembroke MP Walter Roban, said that the party had backed five out of seven bills brought by the Government because it agreed they were in the best interests of the people.“We have rejected the idea that we must oppose for the sake of opposing by supporting the OBA where possible, providing suggestions where possible, and standing firm for Bermudians when necessary.“We believe that the OBA still has an opportunity to move our people forward if they will humble themselves, reflect and adjust their approach towards governing our people.”Mr Roban followed Mr Bean’s remarks with a litany of charges against the OBA.“The OBA in their first 100 days have repeatedly demonstrated a lack of commitment to Bermudians, repeatedly insulted our people and made radical, reckless changes to our immigration policies,” he said.Mr Roban continued: “The OBA viciously placed profits over people by allowing BELCO to raise their rates driving up their profits, driving up your power bill and hurting countless Bermudians in the process.In addition, he said, the OBA had raised vehicle licensing fees on seniors, “callously slashed college scholarships,” “maliciously refused to provide tax relief to Bermudian workers while easing the taxes on their business friends” and “recklessly abandoned the PLP’s policy of protecting Bermudian land for Bermudians, opening up opportunities for fronting and for land to be lost to generations of Bermudians yet unborn.”He added: “The OBA have referred to Bermudians as xenophobic requiring weeks of anger and a march on Parliament before being forced to apologise. The OBA have refused to stand up for Bermudians. They have stood on Bermudians.”