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OBA: Island's problems after PLP rule 'worse' than the former government will admit

Thad Hollis

The governing party has criticised the Progressive Labour Party's assessment of its first 100 days as a return to election campaign “tactics of misdirection, distortion and exaggeration”.In a statement from One Bermuda Alliance Chairman Thad Hollis, the party defended its record as Government so far, saying it had lived up to several election pledges.“The truth of the matter is that the One Bermuda Alliance, in its first 100 days in office, has realised that the problems it has inherited are worse than ever the PLP was willing to admit.“We now know that the country's economy is in worse shape than even the most pessimistic of us predicted,” he said.“The OBA Government inherited a bloated and unsustainable budget, thousands of Bermudians out of work, an education system that had been tinkered with, but core issues never resolved, and neighbourhoods where we didn't feel safe.”Among the deliverables he said had been met were inviting an Opposition member to sit in Cabinet, giving employers a two year payroll tax exemption for new Bermudian hiring, setting up a Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, reducing consultancies and travel, setting up an economic development committee and cutting Minister's pay.Mr Hollis added that Government was making a “concerted effort” to improve public safety, equipping the police with required resources, setting up a technical curriculum, expanding the preschool programme and has expanded the school day.And he said Government had begun “partnering with the private sector to aggressively market Bermuda to the international business world, inviting and welcoming job creators to the island.”“Everything this Government is doing is directed towards Social and Economic Equity for all Bermudians, great schools for great children, safe neighbourhoods and getting Bermuda working again.“Everything this Government is doing is directed towards helping the thousands who are unemployed, the thousands earning less than before and the thousands looking to grab onto anything that can help them pay their bills.“To make these things happen, there is only one thing to do — the economy must be made to grow.”Mr Hollis said some PLP policies, such as immigration policies were “PR gimmicks” which “did nothing to protect Bermudians”.“They didn't reform the law; they confused us with the concept of term limits but did nothing to address their issuance of more and more work permits. They were PR gimmicks in an attempt to show that the PLP was a party that put Bermudians first.“But as we all know, they had the effect of alienating people whose business and support the Bermuda economy needed and, in the end, hurting Bermudians.“The PLP knew from the beginning that they were mistakes, and should have had the courage to correct them. They did not. Now, like weeds in the field, their mistakes have to be pulled out by the roots to make space for productive crops to grow.”Mr Hollis added that his party was committed to the well-being of all Bermudians.