Fuel tax legislation may be approved today
Legislation that would impose a fuel tax to burnish St George’s status as a United Nations designated World Heritage site could be approved by MPs today.The Corporation of St George (UNESCO World Heritage Fund and Levy) Act 2013 will gets its second reading in the House of Assembly.The levy on fuels landed at the St George’s oil docks would go toward a fund for maintaining, developing and promoting the special status of the Old Town.Tourism Authority legislation is also slated to go before the House — plus an Act allowing cruise ship passengers to gamble on-board while their ships are in port.Also facing a second reading in Parliament is the Municipalities Amendment Act, brought by Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley, which would subject decisions by the Corporations of Hamilton and St George to Government’s say.That bill would also require Parliamentary approval of the Corporation of Hamilton’s 262-year waterfront property lease.Senior guest workers will get an easier route to permanent residency and work permit exemptions, under the Incentives for Job Makers Act 2013 — and the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Amendment (No. 2) Act 2013, if given the green light by MPs, would drastically reduce the application fee for permanent residency.Changes to Immigration law under the Act would give the Chief Immigration Officer the ability to fine employers $5,000 for a first work permit offence and $10,000 for a second.Bills amending customs tariffs and insurance legislation are also scheduled — in what one insider suggested could be an especially lengthy Parliamentary session.