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Bean: OBA ‘blocked’ PLP plan to end conscription

Opposition Leader Marc Bean (File photo by Akil Simmons)

The Progressive Labour Party today hit out at the One Bermuda Alliance for “blocking” its attempt to abolish conscription.

The Opposition party attempted to table the Abolition of Conscription Act, shortly after the delivery of the Throne Speech, in which the ruling party had pledged to eliminate the practice.

But in a statement released this afternoon, PLP leader Marc Bean claimed his party’s move was blocked because the OBA refused to collaborate.

Mr Bean stated: “In an effort to do things differently, embrace the spirit of collaboration and change the toxic environment in Parliament, we attempted to bring forward legislation that would move Bermuda forward.

“Without even reading or considering the text of the legislation, the OBA blocked the PLP’s Bill to end conscription.”

Said Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley: “Tabling legislation is the end of the process not the first step. Collaboration means working together to achieve common ends. If the Opposition was serious about working together to end conscription they would have shared this Bill in advance of today’s session of the House. They didn’t and this Government will not go along with whatever is tabled without fully considering the effects on the public and the Regiment. Timelines pulled out of the air and without regard to the operational responsibilities of the Regiment could be damaging to the organisation and disadvantage the very people we’re all supposed to be representing.”

The OBA stated in its Throne Speech, read earlier today by Governor George Fergusson: “During this legislative session, the Government will introduce amendments to the Defence Act 1965 to eliminate conscription.”

Mr Bean continued in his statement: “We believe that conscription must end. The OBA says that they believe in ending conscription and that they also believe in collaboration.

“Together we could have collaborated on something we agree on, ending conscription without delay and moving Bermuda forward.

“Unfortunately it was not to be. The OBA should have worked with us but instead they stifled debate and conscription will be with us for the foreseeable future.”