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Deputy Speaker Roberts-Holshouser breaks ranks, sides with PLP

Broke ranks: Suzann Roberts-Holshouser

In a shock move, One Bermuda Alliance MP Suzann Roberts-Holshouser broke ranks with the rest of her party in this evening’s Parliamentary session, voicing her support of a motion by Progressive Labour Party MP Walton Brown.

The motion will see a request made to Governor George Fergusson to establish a Commission of Inquiry into the validity of claims of the theft or dispossession of residents’ property.

When MPs voted on amending Mr Brown’s motion, Ms Roberts-Holshouser surprised her colleagues by joining with Progressive Labour Party MPs in voting against.

Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell appeared to confront the St George’s South MP in the immediate aftermath of the vote, as the House broke until July 11.

Ms Roberts-Holshouser declined to comment, merely saying “No” as she left the chamber.

Mr Brown praised the Deputy Speaker of the House for having “the courage of her convictions” in supporting the motion. Earlier in the debate, Attorney General Trevor Moniz told MPs he saw little point in the use of a Commission — and said the Government side believed the courts were the best recourse for individuals with claims of foul play.

“This means we’re going ahead with the Commission,” a visibly pleased Mr Brown told The Royal Gazette.

With the absence of OBA MPs Mark Pettingill and Leah Scott, Ms Roberts-Holshouser’s vote proved decisive in tipping the motion in the Opposition’s favour.

The move to amend the Shadow Immigration Minister’s motion was defeated by 15 to 13, and it was subsequently approved.

Premier Michael Dunkley this evening said he didn’t see any problem with Ms Roberts-Holshouser’s move, adding: “It’s one of those things that happens occasionally in the House.” He said he would discuss the matter with his colleagues before commenting further.

The PLP sent out a statement of support for the OBA MP, and criticised her colleagues who appeared to chastise her.

It reads: “The PLP would like to show our support to Deputy Speaker of the House MP Suzann Roberts-Holshouser after being verbally abused by her fellow OBA MPs.

“She had voted in favour of a motion to allow compensation for persons who have had their land stolen decades ago. The OBA had attempted to block this bill by making an amendment for a ‘Take Note’ motion.

“In a democratic society every representative of the people of Bermuda should be allowed to speak and vote on issues that concern Bermudians. No elected official should be verbally assaulted by their own party for their views and stances.

“We stand with the Deputy Speaker on her right to vote for what she feels is morally correct.”