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At-risk youth programme ‘realigned’

A programme that served 447 high-risk children struggling with antisocial behaviour is no longer in operation, according to Nandi Outerbridge, the Junior Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs.

The High Risk Programme, set up in August 2010, also offered “post-incident trauma council to families affected by firearm shootings and other traumatic incidents”, Ms Outerbridge told MPs.

“As a result of programme realignment, there are no children enrolled in the High Risk Programme within the Department of Child and Family Services,” Ms Outerbridge said.

“Young people seeking assistance are able to receive counselling and life skill services through Bermuda Youth Counselling Services.”

Ms Outerbridge said she was having discussions with the Department on the effectiveness of all its programmes, but told the House that the department had lacked the resources to continue the High Risk Programme as it had previously been run.

It had cost $419,000 a year to operate, but that covered salaries only and not the other resources needed, the junior minister said.

Progressive Labour Party MP David Burt said that he had been contacted by a constituent expressing serious concern that her young son was at risk of slipping back into danger after getting positive results from the High Risk Programme, and asked Ms Outerbridge what recourse was available to members of the public.

Ms Outerbridge said such persons should contact the minister with their concerns.