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Senate: plea to do more to protect bees

The health of the island’s bee population came up for discussion during the motion to adjourn at the Senate.

Senator Georgia Marshall, of the One Bermuda Alliance, spoke about the importance of looking after Bermuda’s bees and warned: “If we lose our bees it’s a matter of a decade or two before we lose the ability to feed ourselves”.

Ms Marshall, who said she was learning the skill of beekeeping, urged members of the public to use trained professionals if they needed to have bees removed from their property.

“It’s very important we don’t take out the Baygon and start killing our bees,” she said. “There are people out there who can help without any harm being done to the bees, like Spencer Field.

“Our bee population is coming back and we should all encourage that.”

Senator James Jardine supported Ms Marshall’s call and told the Senate that nurseries could help to advise homeowners on what plants would encourage and attract bees into their gardens.