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All change at PLP with six new executives

Opposition leader David Burt

Six officers of the Progressive Labour Party’s executive have resigned making way for a host of officers to be placed in acting positions until the Annual Delegates Conference scheduled for early next month.

The Royal Gazette has previously reported on the resignations of the party’s public relations officer Coy Millett after the election of David Burt as Leader of the Opposition, as well as branch chairman Makai Dickerson [not a member of the executive] and now further positions have been made vacant through the resignations of Francine Simons, secretary general; Yolanda Furbert, membership secretary; Carmon Cyrus, party organiser; Rudy Daniels, assistant treasurer; and Darlene Rogers. assistant organiser.

The PLP’s Central Committee met on Friday to fill the vacancies.

The following people were appointed to act as officers: assistant secretary general, Kim Lightbourne, a former deputy chair of the party; membership secretary, Michael Landy, a former membership secretary; public relations officer, Liana Hall, long-term member; assistant treasurer Jache Adams, a new member of the party; party organiser Linda Trott, a long-time party worker; and assistant organiser East Owen Darrell, a former party organiser.

They will join the following existing executive members: chairman Scott A Simmons; deputy chairwoman J. Dawn Simmons; acting secretary-general Lauren Bell; treasurer Selena Fields; assistant organiser central Christopher Famous; and assistant organiser west Daniel Reece.

Mr Burt and the chairman Scott Simmons acknowledged and thanked outgoing officers who have served their terms.

A spokeswoman for the party said: “The executive is committed to working together to support the party and its parliamentarians as they continue their efforts to advance the country’s interests.”

The Annual Delegates Conference is scheduled for December 6 to 8.