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Cox targets Devonshire voters on YouTube

Paula Cox greets a Devonshire North West voter at the 2012 General Election

Paula Cox has reached out to voters in Devonshire North West in a series of videos posted online over the weekend.

The former premier, who was unhappy to have been overlooked in favour of Wayne Caines as the Progressive Labour Party candidate for Constituency 14, hinted last week that she could run as an independent candidate at the upcoming General Election.

Two of the three short clips, which can be found on a YouTube page called “PC Elect”, feature Ms Cox delivering a special message for National Heroes’ Day and Father’s Day.

The National Heroes’ Day message is directed at the constituents of Devonshire North West, as well as “the wider Bermuda”, while the Father’s Day video pays tribute to “all the fathers of Constituency 14”.

A third video, which only features images, music and text, ends with the message: “We’re sticking and staying with Paula. July 18 Vote.”

It comes after Ms Cox, who unexpectedly lost her Constituency 14 seat to the Glen Smith in the 2012 General Election, sent a scathing e-mail to Opposition leader David Burt over her rejection as a candidate.

She accused party leaders, who announced Mr Caines as their selection on Wednesday, of acting as if they had a “backroom agenda” to tarnish her reputation.

The series of e-mails

between Ms Cox, Opposition leader David Burt, party chairman Scott Simmons and branch secretary Nadine Henry also appeared to suggest that Ms Cox could run as an independent candidate to “let the voters of C14 decide the outcome”.

And Ms Cox told The Royal Gazette on Wednesday that she would continue to work in Devonshire North West.

“The C14 voters have been very open about what they want and expect from their next representative and I plan to work to earn their trust and confidence.

“They want change from the OBA and they wish experience and commitment. I am determined to do what is required to earn their vote and their support.”

The videos can be found at www.youtube.com/channel/UCplW_tKCRXP6pAZP-2RIGGg.

Mr Smith has been named as the One Bermuda Alliance candidate for the election, which takes place on Tuesday, July 18.