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House: NTB ‘success stories’

Education minister Diallo Rabain (File photograph)

Education minister Diallo Rabain highlighted Bermudian success stories as he tabled the annual report for the National Training Board.

Mr Rabain told the House of Assembly four individuals, who received support and funding from the NTB, were examples showing the island is getting return on its investment.

They were:

Sherlene Trott received her Certified Administrative Professional designation after 37 years of experience as a corporate administrator;

Ciara Muat received her National Vocational Qualification Level 3 qualification from the London Hair Academy while completing an apprenticeship at Salon Pink. She is now providing professional styling services;

Damali Bell completed his Level 2 and 3 Heavy Vehicle Maintenance certifications at the Institute of the Motor Industry in Britain;

Judith Welch reached her dream of becoming a special-education teacher in the public school system.

• To read Mr Rabain’s statement in full, click on the PDF under “Related Media”