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Atherden: Hargun is Bermudian

Opposition leader Jeanne Atherden (File photograph)

Opposition leader Jeanne Atherden urged the Progressive Labour Party to “move on” after Walter Roban raised the issue of succession planning in his meeting with the UK Government.

The PLP has repeatedly complained about the appointment of Narinder Hargun, who was born in India but has Bermudian status, as the replacement for outgoing Chief Justice Ian Kawaley.

Mr Roban, the Deputy Premier, raised the controversy at the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council yesterday.

Ms Atherden responded today: “Narinder Hargun is Bermudian and the fact that he was born elsewhere does not make him less Bermudian, he has status and is therefore considered to be a Bermudian.

“It was inappropriate to raise this issue during the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council.

“This Government must move on and accept that the best qualified person for the post of Chief Justice has been appointed.

“He is willing to serve his country and that should be lauded and not dismissed in the very derogatory terms that have been used in the House of Assembly.

“The OBA will support the appointment of a Bermudian to every top position in the country where the person is qualified.

“They should always be next in line. Mr Hargun is considered to be a Bermudian.”