House: Boost for property owners
Restrictions on car ownership will make it easier for homeowners to earn extra income through a rental property, the House of Assembly heard yesterday.
Walton Brown, the home affairs minister, said that one-bedroom and studio apartments will be given assessment numbers, but will not be allowed to have a private car registered at the address.
Mr Brown said: “Many homeowners have space to create an additional unit, but are unable to create additional parking spaces.
“This new type of unit can provide additional income for homeowners with smaller properties who previously were unable to create a rental unit.”
The minister added that the move fulfilled a Throne Speech pledge from the Progressive Labour Party.
He added it was hoped the move would also provide a boost for the construction industry.
Mr Brown said: “There was no mechanism available to issue an assessment number to an address that would not automatically confer the ability to register a car against the unit, thereby limiting the creation of dwelling units to those properties that were able to provide the required car parking and manoeuvring spaces on their site.”
He added that minor changes to existing rules will be needed, but no legislation was required.
Mr Brown said the public would be notified of the start date of the new policy.