Thousands surveyed over tourism plan
Thousands of people at home and abroad have been canvassed for their views on the future of Bermuda tourism.
Jamahl Simmons, the tourism minister, told the House of Assembly on Friday that the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism and the Bermuda Tourism Authority have carried out research to develop the National Tourism Plan.
Consultation has included:
• 122 stakeholder interviews from across the public and private sectors
• More than 2,500 visitors or potential visitors from the United States, Britain and Canada
• Nearly 800 local residents have been polled through an online survey or telephone interview.
Mr Simmons told the House: “The goal is to gather as much input as possible, from as many vantage points as possible, so that the end result is a National Tourism Plan that the whole country can get behind.
“This cannot be a plan crafted in an ivory tower. It must be crafted, collaboratively, with the people whose help is required to make it a success.”
• To read Jamahl Simmons’s statement in full, click on the PDF under “Related Media”