Repairs on schools to cost extra $3m
Repair work on schools this summer will cost an additional $3 million, the minister of public works said yesterday.
Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch said the works kicked off immediately after the end of the school year and were in “full swing”.
He said: “All schools have been inspected by both Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of Education facilities management staff with a list of tasks agreed and assigned to various work crews.
“In addition to these, any issues identified by the Health and Safety Co-ordinator are being included with the tasks.”
He made the announcement as part of a near hour-long ministerial statement made in the House of Assembly.
Colonel Burch said that the cash would be spent on works including private sector contracts for painting, floor refinishing and roof replacement.
He added that it was intended that all personnel within the department would be involved in the works.
Colonel Burch added: “This means that there will be seven work units with a total of 102 tradesmen working in schools.”
He said that seven summer students were assisting.
Colonel Burch added: “They are tackling some 1,081 tasks and 26 capital projects.
“In addition, there are numerous small and large private contractors engaged in this project.”
Colonel Burch also provided an update on the status of school condition surveys.
He said that the surveys had been contracted out but that there had been a “number of issues” with the bids and concerns from the bidders over pricing for unknowns.
Colonel Burch said that a test survey would be completed on one school to “iron out the issues”.
He added: “In the interim a project is under way to get as-built drawings for all schools as well as numbering of rooms for ease of reference on both help desk and reports.”
Colonel Burch said that surveys on other government buildings would follow.
He announced the condition surveys would be undertaken this year in a ministerial statement made last December.