Burt upbeat after Nottingham visit
Many Bermudians plan to return to the island after completion of their studies in Britain, David Burt said Friday.
He told the House of Assembly: “I was honoured to see Bermudians still very much connected to their home and remaining in contact with Bermudians across the UK supporting each other on a daily basis.
“What was most gratifying about the interactions is that a vast majority of Bermudians living in the UK planned on returning to Bermuda after they completed their studies and skills training.”
The Premier was speaking after he held a reception for Bermudians in the UK last Sunday while on a trip to London to meet British government officials.
Mr Burt said that he was encouraged by the number of Bermudians who said they wanted to come back.
He added: “I pledged that the Government will execute its plans to ensure there is a place for them here when they return home.
“The London Office will take extra steps to ensure that they are available to those in the United Kingdom as far as Scotland and even throughout Europe.
“In addition to annual networking events, the London Office will provide open walk-in consular days in various locations across the UK starting in the new year.”
The Premier also highlighted his talks with European officials on the trip.
He met the Romanian ambassador to the European Union, which he said was critical in understanding the agenda for the country’s presidency of the European Council from next month.
Mr Burt added: “The Romanian ambassador and I had firm discussions not only on Bermuda’s assessment by the Code of Conduct Group but understanding the immense challenges ahead for Romania in managing the implications of the UK leaving the EU.”
The Premier also met the Britain-Bermuda All Party Parliamentary Group in London.
Mr Burt said the meeting would help “cultivate an accurate understanding of Bermuda and where we see our agenda for the future; essentially making our friends before we need them”.
Mr Burt added that discussion at the Joint Ministerial Council, amid uncertainty around Britain’s decision to quit the EU, had reinforced the need to diversify Bermuda’s economy and boost economic growth.
He said: “The sustainability of our quality of life and the necessary improvement of the lives of our citizens is squarely our responsibility.”
Mr Burt concluded: “Global trends and the competing political interests among the EU family of nations demands that local governments do all they can to insulate their economies, their communities and their development from these events which are far beyond our influence and control.”
• To read David Burt’s statement in full, click on the PDF link under “Related Media”