Fireworks expected in year-end House sitting
Amendments to update the Mental Health Act are to be tabled in the House of Assembly today.
Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, will deliver a statement explaining the amendments, which were designed to tighten the legal definition of mental illness.
Curtis Dickinson, the Minister of Finance, will update MPs on measures taken to allow international law firms to practise on the island.
Mr Dickinson also said this week that the Economic Substance Bill 2018, aimed at protecting the island from the European Union’s blacklist of uncooperative jurisdictions, could be debated today.
Mr Dickinson is also expected to table the latest report on the state of the Government’s consolidated fund.
Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works, will table the annual reports of the West End Development Corporation and the Bermuda Land Development Company.
Wayne Caines, the national security minister, is to make a statement on Bermuda’s disaster relief capabilities.
Other debates will include amendments to the management of sex offenders, as well as concessions for the conversion of the Grand Atlantic housing development to a hotel resort.