Caines gives hiring figures from jobs fair
An attempt to drum up 100 jobs hit just over 60 per cent of its target, the House of Assembly heard last Friday.
Wayne Caines, the national security minister, said that a jobs fair this year resulted in 61 confirmed hires.
The jobs ranged from kitchen porters and cashiers to masons and rental agents.
Mr Caines added that 21 of the jobs continued to be filled by people from March’s 100 Jobs Initiative at the end of November.
But he said the low number was accounted for by difficulty in getting updates from employers.
Mr Caines told MPs: “For this reason, the department has cautioned that it would be reckless and hasty to conclude significant job loss based on the information available to date.”
He was speaking in response to parliamentary questions from backbencher Michael Dunkley.
The jobs fair in Hamilton attracted 283 employers, with 32 people given jobs on the spot and a further 29 posts later confirmed by the Department of Workforce Development.
Mr Caines said more jobs “road shows” were planned for St George’s and Warwick to attract job candidates “who would not ordinarily come into the department to register”.
• To read the statement on the jobs initiative, click on the PDF link under “Related Media”