Efficiency Committee report set for debate
Legislation for the creation of an independent wage commission is to be tabled this morning in the House of Assembly.
The proposed law will be based on the recommendations of a joint select committee that recommended the establishment of a minimum and living wage.
MPs will also debate the report of the Government Efficiency Committee, which was tabled in May by Wayne Furbert, the Minister for the Cabinet Office.
The committee submitted 93 recommendations to tackle waste, starting with improvements to the offices of the Tax Commissioner and the Registrar of Companies. Legislators are also scheduled to discuss the Medical Practitioners Amendment Bill 2019.
The legislation would amend the Chief Medical Officer’s power to delegate complaints to subsidiary committees drawn from members of the Medical Practitioners Professional Conduct Committee.
Ministerial statements may include the tabling of the annual financial statements of the Regulatory Authority by Walter Roban, the Minister of Home Affairs, as well as an announcement on a Public Access to Information Request on the Sandys 360 sports centre by Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works.